1. This organization will endeavour for duly implementation for well-being and interest safe guard of litigants by making action plan time to time as per need.
2. This organization will endeavour to establishing co-ordination with court and advocates, association for speedy redressal of cases pending in High Court, various Tribunals and Subordinate Courts.
3. After filing cases, it will endeavour in direction of making simplification in existing procedure in redressal of cases by request, proposal, suggestion and advise of Honourable Courts and Tribunals.
4. It will duly endeavour for the provision of system for redressal thorough Lok Adalat in Tribunals regarding service and High Court of matters such as seniority determination, pay scale, high post pay scale, adverse entry, censure entry, pension payment-payment of gratuity and due interest upon it, salary revision related general items and regarding service of Govt., semi govt. and non-govt. employees.
5. The organization will Endeavour to provide separate venue along with proper public facility to litigants of them and Govt. level for waiting to meet with advocates and their sitting on arrival in pursuing in court premises.
6. The organization will endeavour to construct Rain Basera (In which at lease 50 persons can stay) from its own and voluntarily organization for night rest on arrival in pursuing their cases at least District Headquarters to economically weaker litigants.
7. The organization procedure prevailed in other various courts in state which in contrary to the interest of litigants, will endeavour to make amendment authentically from Govt. and Central Govt. at Pradesh and National level by holding symposium and meeting of legal experts after the disposal of other cases and relating service from Hon'ble High Court and Tribunals, on-non-compliance by Central and State Govt., will endeavour to enforce suo-moto contempt proceeding, if appeal could not made under Article 215 of Constitution by Hon'ble Court, which is genuine legal process. Contempt petition which is separately procedure and delayed in justice for Litigants will endeavour to abolish it.
8. The organization by making control with president, Chief Justice Supreme Court and Chief Justice Uttar Pradesh and Chief Minister Uttar Pradesh will endeavour that officials of Pradesh would regard judiciary and ensure the prompt compliance of its order. In order to fulfill above objectives and functions, the organization will organize symposium comprising justices of Supreme Court, High Court and Tribunals and senior advocates, officials of Uttar Pradesh Govt. and seek help of them by concentrating their attention on problems, so that contempt petition would not be filed. In Pradesh maximum contempt petitions are pending. The organization also endeavour to make ensure the compliance of speedy judicial decision from officials by establishing co-ordination between parties and interest of litigants, so that the number of contempt petitions may be zero and dignity of judiciary would maintain and image of administration can emerged clean.
9. The organization will endeavour to make appointment of retired additional judicial officers on ex-gratia basis at Hon'ble Chief Justice and Govt. Development for speedy disposal of pity cases of criminal and civil, so that regular officers can offered more time and contribute in disposal of important and critical cases.
10. Keeping in view increasing number of cases at centre and State Govt. level, the organization will endeavour to make enhancement urgently in number of Benches in court and Tribunals and sanctioned vacant posts would be fulfilled.
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